1. The War on Meridian [12] |
2. Nerissa's Revenge [12] |
3. A Crisis on Both Worlds [12] |
4. Trial of the Oracle [12] |
5. War on Ludmoore [15] |
6. Ragorlang [11] |
7. New Power [12] |
8. Teach 2b Witch [13] |
9.100% Witch [18] |
10.Ladies vs. W.I.T.C.H. [12] |
11.Magical Sovereign [10] |
Specials [11] |
Books [9] |
Extra stuff [2] |
Manga [1] |
One archive [1] |
Сезон: 9.100% Witch
Martin Hubbs makes a comeback but the WITCH girls have some really bad luck. Magic can't be used for personal matters? In issue 115, that rule seems to be no more. Kandor is willingly helping the girls to go back in time to solve their problems. But at first, it seems like he got them into even more trouble ... Who are the girls that look just like WITCH? No one will ever know! Life in Heatherfield continues ...