1. The War on Meridian [12] |
2. Nerissa's Revenge [12] |
3. A Crisis on Both Worlds [12] |
4. Trial of the Oracle [12] |
5. War on Ludmoore [15] |
6. Ragorlang [11] |
7. New Power [12] |
8. Teach 2b Witch [13] |
9.100% Witch [18] |
10.Ladies vs. W.I.T.C.H. [12] |
11.Magical Sovereign [10] |
Specials [11] |
Books [9] |
Extra stuff [2] |
Manga [1] |
One archive [1] |
Сезон: 8. Teach 2b Witch
Meanwhile, Liam has his eyes on William, while not knowing Matt has his eyes on him. And while Hay Lin visits her grandfather and shares her story with the other girls, the main story ends with a great cliff-hanger as Takeda captures Matt in a block of ice. (истинная содержание 93 главы).