1. The War on Meridian [12] |
2. Nerissa's Revenge [12] |
3. A Crisis on Both Worlds [12] |
4. Trial of the Oracle [12] |
5. War on Ludmoore [15] |
6. Ragorlang [11] |
7. New Power [12] |
8. Teach 2b Witch [13] |
9.100% Witch [18] |
10.Ladies vs. W.I.T.C.H. [12] |
11.Magical Sovereign [10] |
Specials [11] |
Books [9] |
Extra stuff [2] |
Manga [1] |
One archive [1] |
Сезон: 8. Teach 2b Witch
Meanwhile, we get to see Shinobu struggling with nightmares and how she backs away when Irma tries to approach her...