1. The War on Meridian [12] |
2. Nerissa's Revenge [12] |
3. A Crisis on Both Worlds [12] |
4. Trial of the Oracle [12] |
5. War on Ludmoore [15] |
6. Ragorlang [11] |
7. New Power [12] |
8. Teach 2b Witch [13] |
9.100% Witch [18] |
10.Ladies vs. W.I.T.C.H. [12] |
11.Magical Sovereign [10] |
Specials [11] |
Books [9] |
Extra stuff [2] |
Manga [1] |
One archive [1] |
Сезон: 10.Ladies vs. W.I.T.C.H.
Will had a dream about Nashter and we got to meet the electric Lady Giga, who, despite her efforts, didn't manage to defeat the guardians, thanks to Irma. But what she did manage to do, though, was to awaken her fellow sisters. When will they show up?