1. The War on Meridian [12] |
2. Nerissa's Revenge [12] |
3. A Crisis on Both Worlds [12] |
4. Trial of the Oracle [12] |
5. War on Ludmoore [15] |
6. Ragorlang [11] |
7. New Power [12] |
8. Teach 2b Witch [13] |
9.100% Witch [18] |
10.Ladies vs. W.I.T.C.H. [12] |
11.Magical Sovereign [10] |
Specials [11] |
Books [9] |
Extra stuff [2] |
Manga [1] |
One archive [1] |
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Liam suddenly shows up again! He visits Hay Lin before he kidnaps William and she's therefore able to track him to Takeshita Inc. As expected, Will shows no fear as the girls march right into coldness' portal. Shinobu finally confronts her father and after injecting herself with the special liquid, she accidentally gives him the same fate as he gave Matt! Now she's got no choice but to follow WITCH into the fast world...
Описание: Орфелия
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